Matthew is now going to preschool 4 days a week and is LOVING it. He has several craft projects a week, from drawing to painting. He's now able to somewhat draw a circle - it looks more like an oval than a circle. He has also learned to wipe his butt with toilet paper. It's so cute, he'll pretend to wipe his behind with and without his clothes on and then hand us the toilet paper. It's so funny but at least he's learning.
Hippotherapy is getting better too. He can pretty much do everything the therapist tells him to do, so we're working now on the balancing and the speech.
Our new task now is trying to teach Matthew how to blow his nose, he has an aggravating head cold and if he could just blow his nose it would help alot.
Matthew is such a smart little boy. He picks up on everything and he's so observant. We hope this continues through his school years. I'll show him a book of "First Words" that has at least 10 pictures on a page and I'll name them and he can get the majority of them. He loves to cuddle and read at night, sometimes he'd rather still read than go to bed.
And our BIG news, no we're not pregnant (at least not yet) , we're on FACEBOOK! We've put a link to our blog on there so some of our high school friends can get more of an update of sorts on our family. It's so exciting to reconnect with some old friends.
Gotta go, Bed Time for "little man", Good Night and God Bless!!