Thursday, May 26, 2011

Melt Down

Yes we have reached a high point in temper tantrums here lately and I'm hoping this is just a phase and nothing more.  Matthew has now finished up his season of gymnastics and we're done for the summer.  Needless to say though Matthew didn't want to co-operate during the closing ceremony where he received his metal, all he wanted to do is play the "freeze" game.  (which is similar to musical chairs)
Above is Matthew and his teacher, Heather, as she gives Matthew his medal.  She was super through these past few months with helping me get him involved in moving and trying new things.  We of course still had to bribe him some with their vacuum there at the gym.  I know we're terrible and you're not suppose to do that but you show me a parent who hasn't.
Anyway,  Matthew has been having alot more tantrums here lately impart because he does have some trouble communicating and some of it just has to do with being 2yrs old.

This is just the beginning of the "Melt Down", trust me it gets better.  Poor little thing he pooped in his big boy underwear yesterday and couldn't stand it and had a terrible tantrum.  It was so bad his umbilical hernia poked out because he cried so much.  I'm going to have to keep a check on it and mention it to his pediatrician. 

And this is the final stage of the "Melt Down"  he didn't want to have anything to do with his medal, but this too was priceless.  Can't you see the fiery temper beneath those red curls.  He's so cute even if he is mad.

Now there is some good news in this "melt down" of a week, Matthew is pretty much officially potty trained, he has now started telling (showing) me he has to go to the bathroom, by grabbing himself or crossing his legs.  He is also staying dry from his naps and about every two hours.  I'm so relieved, we still have a few accidents but that's ok.  He loves peeing outside.  he's so funny.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stressful Decisions

Well it's been a while since I've updated you on how Matthew's doing and what challenges we've been facing.  We've had two of our yearly appointments that are required for Joubert patients.  The first, our neurologist, he was very impressed with Matthew's progress, his balance is pretty much stable and his walking is just a tad abnormal due to the gait issue and the AFOs.  However, he did diagnosis Matthew with a mild speech apraxia, Matthew has about 125 spoken words and can put two words together and can say a three to four word sentence, which the only sentence is "Mommy, I want........  This I do count as a HUGE blessing, as where only half of Joubert kids don't talk until the age of 4.  Our neurologist also noticed that Matthew has trouble tracking things, he can track it but not at the rate of speed that it should be, so therefore, reading will be an issue we face.  Mentally, Matthew is age appropriate along with the age appropriate behaviors, etc.  We did ask the doctor about Matthew's someone jerky and tense movements, he only does these when he gets excited, bored or sleepy.  We were thinking, ataxia but to our relief it's more so a BAD habit.  
Appointment #2, was to our geneticist at Baptist, which I dreaded most of all.  I prayed and prayed the night before that God will make this appointment and blessing, not only for us but for our doctor too.  (Reminder, our geneticist was not one bit optimistic with us last yr at this time.)  To no surprise when you pray for God's help and his intervention it most always works.  Not only was Dr. Jewett very, very impressed with Matthew she's very optimistic about his health.  She did suggest we do the scans yearly instead of every two years, which I agreed too.  Matthew of course had a stomach bug when we went and didn't feel good but he did let the doctor know that the appt. was over when he shook her hand got down off my lap, ran to the door, opened the door and told her, "bye".  Now that's my little Matthew.  God is so good!!!

We've also been working on potty training, Matthew has had no trouble peeing and pooping in the potty so I decided enough of pull ups he needs to learn to control his bladder.  So as of "Good Friday" we've been in big boy underwear at home. His school says he's not ready and it's to much for the teacher with 9 other kids.  (that's another issue for another time.) After the first couple of days he got the hang of it.  So far I have to change him about 3 times a day and that's just because he's too focused on playing.  He's so cute in his little under roos.  
Now to the stressful decisions,  Matthew last week had his school assessment since he's about to age out of the Early Intervention program.  He, I think done very well, but I'm afraid too well to qualify for everyday at school.  I've asked for everyday but I'm afraid I'm going to have to fight for it.  I know he'll get in for the speech.  Matthew also has two choices of schools he can attend, which is the biggy.  They're both good schools with GREAT teachers, one I can easily get after school care and the other one will be closer to me at work.  I've been sitting in at both schools in the classes that Matthew will be in and I'm going one more time just to be sure I get a good feel.  Pray that I make the right choice and that Matthew can go everyday to school.
Our other BIG Financial decision is we're getting ready to add on to our house and trying to juggle when we could start the build with vacation and VBS and Matthew's birthday coming up, and schooling and trying to have another baby is sometimes all too much for my brain to handle.  (yes, you heard right, another BABY)

Decisions though, rather big or small take some time to make and some true guidance from God.  This has been a learned lesson for me these past couple of weeks and months.  I'm always the one making the decision right then and it bugs me like crazy when someone can't make up there mind.  We'll my punishment has now been taken, never again will I complain about someone taking too long to make a decision because it can truly, truly affect you, mind, body and soul.

Team Work

Yep, it's that time of year again, Baseball!!!  For our family though it's a little game of T-Ball.  My nephew, Nathan, has somewhat decided to play for the first time.  The first game was a learning curve for him and my sister.  Nathan would cry and come off the field every time when he couldn't get the ball and another kid got it.  The game of T-Ball is truly teaching him the meaning of Team work.
Thought this was a cute picture, notice the little girl in her pink sundress, she REFUSED to put her uniform on so she made the game a little more GIRLY.

Matthew enjoys watching Nathan play,  When Matthew sees Nathan playing ball, he thinks he's suppose to also.  I then have to start all over again trying to explain to Matthew how come he can't play yet.  The first game I spent most of that time trying to keep Matthew out of the dugout instead of watching the game.

This is our neighbor Jason, he and our other neighbor Graylyn have took on the role of coaching the Nancy Reynolds Dragons, which will be Matthew's team.  They done a really good job.  Of course we had to sit on the opposing side.  (Bloods thicker than water)

The little slugger himself.

As tradition has it all team players line up to give high fives and say "good game".  The good thing about T-Ball though, EVERYONE WINS!!!!!!!