Sunday, July 10, 2011

Food Poisioning

So, let me get to what I said in my earlier post that, "I'd explain later" bit.  Bradley and I have had alot going on these past few months which will explain why my break in blogging.  First, we had Matthew's school evaluation to go through and fight for what therapies we felt he needed and he also started a new preschool for the summer which we LOVE.

Second, we're working on adding onto our house which is too greatly needed.  The economy sucks by the way if you haven't already figured that out which makes borrowing money like an act of congress.  But finally we've prevailed after 3 long months, we will be starting on our house in a couple of weeks which as you soon will find out is a God send.

Third, preparing for Vacation Bible School and working in the garden, canning greenbeans, etc.  Is very, very exhausting.

And now to our wonderful story of "Food Poisoning"  The week before Bible School, I barely made it home, I was so sick.  I called Bradley and he was just as sick as I was.  Food Poisoning as I thought is HORRIBLE, but that wasn't it at all.  After a few ours of this sickness not letting up, I got to thinking, I just wonder, but knew there was no way.  SO I THOUGHT!!!!!!!
YEP, you're looking at it right, we're going to have a baby!!!  What a surprise, Bradley and I had somewhat been trying for the past couple of months but when Matthew came down with the "Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease" from school  we didn't try, so I thought.  Anyway, what we thought would take a 1yr or more like it did with Matthew, took less than 3 months. 

God is so gracious to us when we least expect it.  This time around I've not had to take any hormone meds to get pregnant or to keep from miscarrying.  I just have to take a nausea medicine only when needed and of course the prenatal.  We went for our first ultrasound this past week when I think it hit us that we're really having another baby.  We're due Feb. 15th.  Valentine's Baby.  Heart this week was 167 which is really really good.

Please, please continue us in your prayers, with Matthew having Joubert Syndrome we have a 25% chance of it reoccurring.  We have to go through more blood work and ultrasounds and a prenatal MRI.  This is kinda scary not knowing but FAITH is a remarkable thing.  I know in my heart that if this little one wasn't suppose to be here and have a purpose then God wouldn't have allowed it. 

Please pray that God with bless us with a strong and healthy baby.

VBS 2011

What a busy summer this has been, with preparing for next year's school year and then Vacation Bible School was just about too much for me, along with other things.  (I'll explain later)
Each year VBS becomes somewhat unpredictable for our little church, this year God blessed us with LOTS of 2 and 3 year olds I guess you can imagine that attention span.

Matthew seems to enjoy VBS more and more each year and he's improving so much with moving around with his peers.
Matthew loved the games and the crafts and of course he liked being center of attention.

Matthew is now at the stage where it's "I do it" and he means all by himself too.  He's a "monkey see, monkey do".

And this is our glorious little tots that made our VBS a huge success.  This VBS has taught us that next year's will be a one day event until they get a little older to handle everyday.
God is still so good, he provided everything we needed along with the patience and wisdom us adults so desperately need sometimes.

Tweetsie Railroad

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