The Marshall's are ready for summer!! I love summer, it's my favorite time of year. As you can see above our fish love it too.
Bradley finally finished Matthew's swing set and today he put his pool up. Matthew loves to slide he now doesn't want us to hold him while he comes down he wants to do it all by himself with us waiting at the bottom.

Matthew started his swimming lessons again at the Y Saturday. It didn't go well at all, he cried through the whole lesson. (30mins) I felt so bad for him, I'm not sure if it's where the water was cold or if this is the start of a sensory issue. (I hope not) Maybe next Saturday will be better.

Matthew is getting alot better at walking, especially this week. He can just about walk everywhere. We've been practicing more outside and he is getting better at walking in the grass. This afternoon after church we decided to have a lazy day to where we just had fun being together. We played alot and ate some watermelon.

And finally, I have a good video of Matthew walking and saying bye. He loves the camera. Hope you enjoy!!
Dana-- Your house and yard is so beautiful. I love reading your blogs, and I can see a big difference in Matthew. God bless all of you too!