This is Sadie, our SPOILED house dog. She's one of Matthew's best friends, he helps in the spoiling too. Sadie has more patience than I do and she knows how to easily relax-as you can see.
Mr. Matthew has become a very independent little boy here lately- he wants to help do EVERYTHING without your help. He catches on so quickly once you show him how to do something. He knows how to take the bubble wand out of the bottle and tries to blow bubbles or he holds it up to you to blow. He helps me unload the washing machine and load the dryer and then he likes to turn the dryer on. He also hands me the dishes out of the dishwasher to put and he tries to say "here" when he hands an item to me. He's such a smart little boy. And one of his favorite things is to unroll the toilet paper off of the roll and put it in the toilet. HE IS ALL BOY!!!

Since it's now garden time, Matthew likes to help with fixing the vegetables to be canned and frozen too!! It'd be nice if this stage would last FOREVER!! I could use all the help. I ended up canning 36 pints and 14 quarts of
greenbeans, our tomatoes and corn are just now coming in. What a busy time of year along with Matthew's upcoming 2
nd birthday!!

We started off our celebration with a cookout where we invited some of our family over. Matthew had a great time and we found out he LOVES potato salad- just like his dad.

Afterwards, while the adults cleaned up, Matthew and Nathan went to play.

We then headed to King for the fireworks display. Sorry, no photos of the fireworks, my pictures didn't turn out good. Matthew enjoyed watching the fireworks- he'd point to them and say "there, there" he
actually sounded like "dare, dare", but he got the jest of it.
Matthew had peed in the potty two more times, yohoo!! (averages once a week)
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