Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking Back at 2010

Looking back at 2010 has been a real eye opener, from heartache to pure joy.  God has carried us through this year sometimes it takes moments of reflection like these to really see it.  I know He will carry us through each year whether good or bad I just hope I keep that in mind at every moment.
Matthew was for the second time diagnosed with Joubert Syndrome back in May and it was confirmed in August while we visited at NIH.  Most children diagnosed with this rare genetic disorder (500-600 children worldwide) have global delays.  The average age for walking and talking is 4yrs old.  Some individuals have issues with their kidneys, liver or eyes too.  While participating at NIH we found that Matthew did have an abnormal texture pattern on his liver but it also could appear to be normal too, hard to tell til he gets older, also we found that Matthew's optic nerve was malformed but to NIH's surprise doesn't affect his vision as of now. 
Matthew, however, has shown us a complete miracle.  Here are a few of his milestones that he reached in 2010 that he wasn't suppose to reach:

1.) Walked at 20months
2.) Started to potty train at 22 months
3.) By 24 months could use a spoon and fork well, do zippers
4.) At 24 months could draw a circle and horizontal and vertical lines
5.) At 24 months could say at least 20-25 words, still dropping the ending, but could sign a two-three word sentence.
6.) At 26 months started preschool
7.) At 26 months started running a little, more of a fast walk.
8.) At 28 months could say at least 60 words, still dropping the ending some and starting to say two word sentence.
9.) At 28 months started to sing the words to "Up on the House Top"
10.)  At 29 months became the ultimate RISK taker by wanting to climb, jump and stand on anything that can and cannot   move and wants to do everything all by himself.

These are just a few of the BIG milestones we've overcome.  Matthew is doing so GREAT, God is sooooo good.  I love his MERCY and His Grace.

Now to Our New Year's Party

We had our New Year's Party at my cousin, Jonathan's house, this is his dog Maggie.

We finally finished our Phase 10 game and played another one by midnight.  Our excitement of the night though is when Jonathan's smoke detectors went off and we couldn't get them turned off.  We honestly thought the house was on fire because we had candles burning and a fire in the fireplace.  Needless to say it woke us up good.  Jonathan said that's the first time that's ever happened since he's lived there.  What luck our family has when we're together.

Matthew and Linda fell asleep while we were playing cards.  They couldn't hold out.

On New Year's day we head to my parent's house for my mom's Birthday Party.  She's a New Year's Baby. (57 Years Old)

This paddle (it's a boat paddle) has been in our family for years, it belongs to my uncle Gurney.  This paddle has been around since I was little, so it's over 30 yrs old.  This is known as the "Birthday Paddle".  Everyone in my family has had their birthday whoopings with this.  Matthew had the honour of giving my mom her paddling- HE LOVED IT!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year, let's hope and PRAY that this Year 2011 will be better than 2010.

Christmas Memories

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