Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thomas & Friends, Look Who's 3 !!!

Today is my nephew, Nathan's 3rd Birthday. We celebrated yesterday with another Thomas party, he LOVES Thomas the train. Matthew enjoyed his birthday party, especially the cake, ice cream and yes some soda pop.

Matthew had his third haircut yesterday too, by me of course. He looks so grown up after a little trim. Matthew is getting alot better at drinking out of a straw but the spoon feeding we're still working on. Hopefully when he starts speech in a couple of weeks his therapist can help us with that. We'll see.

Matthew will be 19 months old tomorrow and hopefully walking is in sight. He can now stand, if tricked, by himself without holding onto anything for about 45 seconds. (Last week is was for only about 2 to 3 seconds) He's getting so brave here lately but also gets very frustrated when he can't do something. He wants to walk so bad, at least he's cruising good.

Poor Bradley has inventory tonight and is working late, Matthew hasn't seen him since yesterday and I haven't seen him since early this morning. I hate inventory days. I know Bradley does too.

After church today Nathan wanted Matthew to come over to his house and play in his "Thomas" hut, they had the best time playing hide and seek.

Please say a little prayer for Nathan tomorrow and my sister, Cindy. Nathan starts preschool for the first time. He's somewhat excited since he gets to take his book bag. Pray for Matthew too, this is his first week without Nathan. He's used to being with him just about everyday.

Until next time, good night and God bless!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

More Thearpy & a Family Send Off

This past week has been quite busy and of course it SNOWED again but not as much. Thank you Lord. This however, is the first time in history that 49 US states have snow at the same time.

We started off the week with Matthew having an aggravating snotty nose. Friday we had our appointment with the audiologist from Baptist and an appointment with a speech pathologist all done at Amos Cottage so we didn't have to fight the traffic at Baptist Hospital.
Matthew's hearing checked out good, his left ear was a little swollen/stuffy from his previous ear infection and this cold he has. So we have to keep a check on that ear for possibly another ear infection but he did pass all of the hearing tests. I'm so relieved!!! Now if we can just get him to talk.
Matthew does qualify for speech finally, after trying to get him this therapy since his tongue was clipped. During his speech evaluation, Matthew was all over the place into everything. I just love the toddler years:) The speech pathologist did say that Matthew was a little delayed in his speech but not by much. She said he's all over the place with his speech skills. He's doing some things that a 2yr old does, an 18 month old does and some below 18 months. She believes that he might be the type that once he learns the power of speech he'll be rambling on. So hopefully he won't need it long after he does start to talk.

Please pray that he will benefit from this. The only big milestones we're lagging in right now is the walking and the talking. You know the old saying, "Late walkers, late talkers." We'll see.
Matthew's new thing this week, is zippers and trying to climb out of his crib, he can't do it just yet but he sure does try. Oh my!!!!!

A Family Send Off :(

Saturday, my aunt had a send off party for my cousin, Corey who is in the marines. He flew out this morning back to his base in Arizona. He's pictured above at the beginning of this post with Matthew. As you can tell from the picture we don't get to see him to much. It's so good to see Corey again, he has matured and grown so much. I feel so old, I remember when he was just born. Time flies.

These are my grandparents with Matthew. My grandmother who is now 80 & my grandpa who is 82. They mean so much to me. They even help with babysitting Matthew for Bradley and I when we're at work and my aunt can't. After raising 5 kids and helping raise 10 grandkids, they prove the maternal instincts are always there.

They kept Matthew Friday for me until I could get off of work for our appointments. He has fun when he's at there house. According to Grandma and Sue, one morning they all were getting ready to go to the grocery store and Matthew looked at grandma and said, "Hey Nanny". So he can talk, just when he feels he has something to say I guess.

I am so blessed with such a large and loving family, I try to cherish each moment. God blesses us beyond our imagination.

Until next time, Good Night & God Bless!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Back to the Basics & Bowl Time!!!!!

This past weekend we had more SNOW accompanied by ICE, oh joy! We ended up losing power Friday night and after a call to 911 Saturday night because of a power line and a tree decided to collide we got power back. YEAH!!!! Luckily, Bradley and I, for Christmas we got us a portable generator to run the water, heat, and some major appliances. So we done pretty good, although we were only using your basic essentials. Matthew however, didn't seem to mind. He enjoyed watching the lights on the firetrucks.

Matthew's top two eye teeth have finally broke through the gum this weekend, he's still a little fussy though. His speech is getting a little better, yesterday he said "book" and this morning he said "my", but won't repeat it of course.
Below are some of the cutest pictures I took of Matthew watching it snow. Isn't he cute! I just had to share these.

Matthew has also learned a few more signs, he knows how to somewhat wave bye now and how to put his hands together to pray. It's so sweet when you can get him to do them.


Last night we got together with our friends for our "Neighborhood Super Bowl Party". 17 of us total which includes our kids, 5 boys and 2 girls. We love getting together and Matthew as shy as he is enjoyed it as well. It took him about 30-45 mins. just to get warmed up to everyone and then he was on his own exploring and playing with all of the other kids. We've decided as parents that we need to get together more often for the kids and for us. So, Bradley and I are hosting the the Final Four; Graylyn and Christi, I think have Memorial Day; Eric and Mandee have the July 4th; James and Doris the All Stars; Jason and Melanie has the Super Bowl. And of course we get together for the kids birthday. Any way here are some of our SUPER BOWL pictures!

The moms and Lily, Kendall and Bryson

The Dads and Matthew & Lee

Bryson and Matthew

Having so much FUN!!
Lily decided to curl up beside of Matthew and before we knew it they were asleep. They're so adorable. Lily being the only girl around the same age as all of the boys, you see who she likes best. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! :)

God has TRULY blessed me with such wonderful friends and a safe and loving neighborhood to live in. I'm so glad he's in control of our lives and takes such good care of us. Even with the basics that we take for granted so much of the time. I'm so humbled. Below is a verse that has touched me this past weekend, how it fits my life right now.

You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands! Isaiah 55:12.

Until next time, Good Night and God Bless.

Please say a prayer for my Aunt Judy tonight she has suffered a major stroke last night, please pray for strength for her and her children and our family.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Adjustment

Matthew got his new leg braces yesterday. They're so tight on his little feet to where it makes me wonder if it's even worth it. Yesterday while we were at the Orthopedics doctor, the aid and me both had to help put these things on Matthew. I could have just cried while Matthew was crying. He has to wear a cushioned piece on top of his foot under the brace to keep it from pinching the skin. After he got them on he was ok.

This morning however, when it was just Matthew and I and us trying to put these things on was a different matter. It took me about 10 mins. just to get them on and his shoes. We had to get a size 6 xwide shoe. I had to get Matthew preoccupied to help him help me fit his foot into the brace just right. At first he did cry but then calmed down to help me help him. This morning though I was just about ready to take these things back, I had to just take a deep breath and say a prayer to God to just HELP me get these things on. God is so good, as soon as I said my little prayer and tried again for the 5th time it worked and I got them on without a fuss. God goes beyond your prayers when he answers no matter how small the prayer.

Once the shoes were on, we walked down the hall and would you believe he had a somewhat heel to toe walk which I hadn't seem him do before and he was standing straighter. Hallelujah!!!! Hopefully Holly will approve of these. I just do NOT want to go back to the orthopedic doctor again.

This is a picture of Matthew standing at the couch this morning with his NEW braces on.

I was afraid also that these braces would affect Matthew's crawling, which at first he cried because he couldn't figure out how to maneuver with them on. He's such a determined little boy, after a couple of attempts he got it and they cause no problem now. However, we try this again tomorrow morning and see how he does. He wore them for about an hour today, tomorrow maybe an hour and a half.

Well, it's Matthew's bath time, God Night and God Bless.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow Days & Lots of Pictures!

This past weekend we had another snow storm which gave us about 9 inches of snow. This time we were prepared. Matthew's boots had came after our last snow, so this time they came in pretty handy. I think he enjoyed it a little more this time, he liked to sled. (What kid doesn't)
Just an update of sorts, Matthew's ear infection finally cleared up so NO TUBES for now. Matthew is trying to say a few more words and trying to put two words together but of course the speech still isn't clear. He's also trying to stand up on his own from the floor, he'll get his bottom way up in the air with his hands and feet flat on the floor but hasn't figured out how to push himself up. His new thing he enjoys doing this week is tossing. He wants to toss everything, throwing is coming soon! He also likes helping us unload and load the dishwasher. We just can't seem to keep him out of the kitchen.:)
Matthew has also been kind of moody this weekend too, he's cutting his upper eye teeth. I am so ready for this teething to be over.
Well enough of my rambling, below are the pictures I promised. God creates such master pieces it's nice just to be still and soak it all in. Enjoy!!

These pictures are of Moore's Knob at Hanging Rock State Park. This is the view we have from our backyard. Isn't it gorgeous!!!!

Bradley pulls Matthew and I down our driveway.

Matthew and I pose for one quick picture.

Bradley and Matthew in from the snow, don't you just LOVE Matthew's red curly hair. You just can't do anything with it, but it's adorable!!!
Until next time, Good Night and God Bless!!!!