I always try to keep my resolutions but never seem to, so I thought maybe if I write them down it might be a little easier for me to keep them.
Dana's Resolutions for 2010:
-Create a blog, check
-Get caught up on my scrapbooking, it's coming
-Get Matthew's pictures organized on our computer, working on it.
-OF COURSE THE BIG ONE, exercise and eat healthier, unfortunately still procrastinating.
I asked Bradley tonight what his resolutions he has for this year, of course, he said he has none. At least none he wants me to list on here.
Now, back to our normal evening. We finally got Matthew to bed at a decent time tonight, 8:45pm. Here lately he's not been wanting to go to bed, all he wants to do is play. He doesn't even want to get out of the tub. Tonight he's finally figured out that he can make more splashes by kicking. Everytime I tell him to kick, he kicks like crazy and just laughs. Maybe swimming lessons at the Y this year will be more exciting for him and me. Last year all he wanted to do is float around in my arms.
Well, that's all for tonight. The picture above is of Matthew taken at our Labor Day picinic here on the farm. It's too adorable not to share. Hope you enjoy.
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