Hear are a few of Matthew's Fun and Funny poses. Isn't he adorable!
Matthew has turned 18 mos. old this past week and is learning so many different things. It hasn't taken him long to learn how to correctly put the spoon into his mouth. He's still a little sloppy but his coordination is getting much better. Tonight he seems to think he can crawl up our stairs by himself, grant it he has gotten pretty good at this task but it's very scary for us. Baby gates hear we come!!!
After our church services we always head for my parents' home for lunch and to spend some time with the family. My nephew, Nathan is sooooo camera shy it isn't funny. It's so hard to get a decent picture of him. I took this picture of Matthew with Nathan behind the high chair. Of course he wouldn't strike a pose.
Matthew has another ear check tomorrow, please pray that everything goes well. We're planning on scheduling Matthew an appointment with a speech pathologist and an audiologist here soon just to see what his hearing ability is. We will have another one done when he turns 2 and compare the two results and if he needs speech he'll be able to begin speech therapy at the age of 2. That is if he doesn't start to talk clearly here soon.
Matthew is truly a blessing from God, it amazes me everyday how God creates us with our own personality, our own laugh and our own gifts. I pray that God will help me to help Matthew use his gifts wisely and to glorify God. What a honor it is to be a mother. Wow!
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