This past weekend we had another snow storm which gave us about 9 inches of snow. This time we were prepared. Matthew's boots had came after our last snow, so this time they came in pretty handy. I think he enjoyed it a little more this time, he liked to sled. (What kid doesn't)
Just an update of sorts, Matthew's ear infection finally cleared up so NO TUBES for now. Matthew is trying to say a few more words and trying to put two words together but of course the speech still isn't clear. He's also trying to stand up on his own from the floor, he'll get his bottom way up in the air with his hands and feet flat on the floor but hasn't figured out how to push himself up. His new thing he enjoys doing this week is tossing. He wants to toss everything, throwing is coming soon! He also likes helping us unload and load the dishwasher. We just can't seem to keep him out of the kitchen.:)
Well enough of my rambling, below are the pictures I promised. God creates such master pieces it's nice just to be still and soak it all in. Enjoy!!
These pictures are of Moore's Knob at Hanging Rock State Park. This is the view we have from our backyard. Isn't it gorgeous!!!!
Bradley pulls Matthew and I down our driveway.
Matthew and I pose for one quick picture.
Bradley and Matthew in from the snow, don't you just LOVE Matthew's red curly hair. You just can't do anything with it, but it's adorable!!!
Until next time, Good Night and God Bless!!!!
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