This past weekend we had more SNOW accompanied by ICE, oh joy! We ended up losing power Friday night and after a call to 911 Saturday night because of a power line and a tree decided to collide we got power back. YEAH!!!! Luckily, Bradley and I, for Christmas we got us a portable generator to run the water, heat, and some major appliances. So we done pretty good, although we were only using your basic essentials. Matthew however, didn't seem to mind. He enjoyed watching the lights on the firetrucks.
Matthew's top two eye teeth have finally broke through the gum this weekend, he's still a little fussy though. His speech is getting a little better, yesterday he said "book" and this morning he said "my", but won't repeat it of course.
Below are some of the cutest pictures I took of Matthew watching it snow. Isn't he cute! I just had to share these.

Matthew has also learned a few more signs, he knows how to somewhat wave bye now and how to put his hands together to pray. It's so sweet when you can get him to do them.
Last night we got together with our friends for our "Neighborhood Super Bowl Party". 17 of us total which includes our kids, 5 boys and 2 girls. We love getting together and Matthew as shy as he is enjoyed it as well. It took him about 30-45 mins. just to get warmed up to everyone and then he was on his own exploring and playing with all of the other kids. We've decided as parents that we need to get together more often for the kids and for us. So, Bradley and I are hosting the the Final Four; Graylyn and Christi, I think have Memorial Day; Eric and Mandee have the July 4th; James and Doris the All Stars; Jason and Melanie has the Super Bowl. And of course we get together for the kids birthday. Any way here are some of our SUPER BOWL pictures!

The moms and Lily, Kendall and Bryson

The Dads and Matthew & Lee

Bryson and Matthew

Having so much FUN!!

Lily decided to curl up beside of Matthew and before we knew it they were asleep. They're so adorable. Lily being the only girl around the same age as all of the boys, you see who she likes best. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! :)
God has TRULY blessed me with such wonderful friends and a safe and loving neighborhood to live in. I'm so glad he's in control of our lives and takes such good care of us. Even with the basics that we take for granted so much of the time. I'm so humbled. Below is a verse that has touched me this past weekend, how it fits my life right now.
You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands! Isaiah 55:12.Until next time, Good Night and God Bless.
Please say a prayer for my Aunt Judy tonight she has suffered a major stroke last night, please pray for strength for her and her children and our family.
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