As you can tell, Matthew didn't do to well with the Easter Bunny. I just love this age. Sorry the picture is a little crooked.
My mother-n-law and I took Matthew to the mall to have his picture taken with the Easter Bunny, he done good at first until he turned and actually looked at the bunny. Poor thing. For the rest of the day if we mentioned the word "bunny" Matthew started to cry- so we had to start spelling it.
What an eventful day! Not only did he cry with the bunny he cried riding the carousel. He was not having a good morning and he loves to ride the carousel. As the day went on though it did get better.
We finished up our shopping and headed over to Tripps Restarunt.
It was nice and we had a really good time. However, we were served this liquid sauce in a bowl that supposedly we dip our bread in. Neither Dottie nor I tried it. You can tell we don't get out much. So, what is this? I don't want to know.
Matthew and his Grandma pose for a picture while we wait for our food.
Please say a prayer for us this week, we have ALOT going on before Easter.
Tomorrow we have Matthew's spring pictures done, so hopefully he'll cooperate. Wednesday is PT, Thursday, hopefully ST and we have our yearly neurologist appointment. This is always our most important appointment and our most educational too. Thursday night we have our county's "Farmer's Appreciation Dinner" at our local high school. Saturday, we have our neighborhood "Final Four" party and Sunday, EASTER!!!!
Until next time, Good Night and God Bless!!