Monday, March 1, 2010


This past week has been rewarding and somewhat challenging, for Matthew and us. He's now able stand by himself for longer periods but still struggles with the new sensation of balancing. Holly, Matthew's PT, wants us to start helping him learn to walk with one hand held which isn't easy AT ALL. It's so heartbreaking to see the affects that Dandy-Walker has on a child when it comes to learning to balance and to walk. Matthew will get it in time but I hate that he has to struggle with something that we, myself included, take for granted so much.

Matthew is a very determined little boy and then at times he would rather us do it for him. I found out tonight that Matthew has a fascination with water globes and the music they play. I used one tonight to help coax him into walking to it while I hold just one of his hands and it worked perfectly. I have to encourage him at first but once he gets going he goes about 5 to 6 steps. I would love for him to be able to walk confidently with one hand held by Easter so he can bend over and pick up Easter Eggs with the other hand.

On a lighter note, we celebrated my Dad's 56th Birthday this weekend at Duke's Restaurant. He loves that place. Matthew and Nathan sat beside of each and I tell you they play better now that they don't see each other much than they did before when they were together all of the time. I guess they needed a break from one another. My sister and I still manage to get them together at least twice a week now.

Matthew is also learning to take off his coat by himself with a little help of course. We finished up the paper work last week to start speech therapy, so we're waiting for the therapist now. I can't wait til he talks. Matthew has started to point alot with his grunting this week also and understands everything perfectly.

I am so THANKFUL. I just have to complain a little bit about the "Dandy-Walker", it's good therapy for me.

Below is a picture of Matthew with some of his friends in the nursery at church on Sunday. When I'm with them I see why God tells us we need to come to Him as little children. What better way to go to Him. I admit my faith sometimes lacks in moments of stress and worry but the faith of these little ones is unshakable.

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