Monday, March 8, 2010

Paci - BE GONE!!!!

We've had a very trying weekend. We've finally decided to take the pacifier away from Matthew. We've been doing it slowly, him only having it at night or at nap time and then taking it out once he's asleep. So, once we stopped giving it to him we end up with a irate little boy.
Tonight is night 3 and so far tonight he's done GREAT!!! I gave him his blanket and gave him a stuffed dog to go to bed with; he doesn't care to much for the dog but the blanket seems to be working. This morning after crying for his paci, he got himself so worked up that he threw up his breakfast. He has been so mad at me this weekend that today when I went to pick him up, he would hardly acknowledge me, but he came around eventually.
Matthew has been somewhat challenging this week. I've been pushing him a little harder to walking with one hand held and behind his push toy by himself. He doesn't want to do it but he needs to and HE CAN DO IT. Holly, his PT said last week during his session that Matthew could walk if he wanted to and that he's just being very stubborn. Which explains my child perfectly-besides he gets it honest. (from yours truly:))
Today my aunt tried something a little different to get Matthew to walk, she lightly held the sleeve of his shirt to make him think she was holding onto him & he walked perfectly with minimum balance problems.
Matthew is doing so good. I know I've put alot on him this weekend with the paci, walking, and spoon feeding but he does so much better after a little push.

Matthew starts speech this Thursday and I'm so excited and interested in how the ST is going to get my child to talk. Matthew's only way of communication now is pointing to what he wants and grunting or pointing to whatever we ask him where something is.

I talked to my sister tonight and she seems to be having it rough this week too. Nathan is all of a sudden refusing to use the potty at home.

AHHHH the joys of motherhood, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I just pray to God for His wisdom and guidance with the most difficult job in the world- PARENTING.

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