Monday, November 21, 2011

Halloween 2011 & An Update

As you can tell Matthew enjoyed his Halloween, each year it gets better and better.  He loves doing things by himself and he likes to help out too.  Bradley and he had a good time making Halloween cookies the easy way and it also made Matthew feel like he done it all by himself.  He's maturing by leaps and bounds, we're so proud of him.  My grandma had to have a little talk with him about wearing his costume, I don't know what she said but it worked, he kept his Indian feathers on the whole night.
And then there's this side of the preschool years that I'm thankful for but yet I'm pulling my hair out!  Especially while going through my third trimester of pregnancy.  Matthew is at a stage now where he's doing things on purpose, like refusing to clean his plate or eat, peeing in the floor on purpose besides going to the bathroom or for goodness sake go outside.  He is ALL boy!!  His speech is getting much, much better.  Everything is still no or he either mocks what we say.  Counting and time out is getting to the point where it's not working now and we're having to resort to taking away his toys, which is working for now.  Matthew however is completely potty trained at school he can even pull his pants and underwear up and down by himself now. His walking is better now without the braces than with them and he's starting to run everywhere.  He still struggles a bit with the steps but we're more comfortable with him going up and down them without us near so we've taken down the baby gate for now.
Speaking of baby, little Miss Madison's prenatal MRI for Jourbert's Syndrome came back normal with no molar tooth sign-Praise God!!  Her CPC in the brain have now resolved also ( fluid cysts in the front part of the brain), she's weighing in about 2-2 and 1/2 pounds now. 
Matthew just has gotten over Fifth disease at school which left me in a mad rush to my OB- thank goodness I'm immune and it doesn't effect the baby. 
All in all we're enjoying God's blessing and Bradley is doing well after his hernia operation.  :)

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
The Marshalls

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